

This is KE8SKL, Allison.  I am a new brand new, shiny, ham operator, as of field day 2021.  I received my tech ticket after being nagged into it by my XYM.  I operate in the quaint little village of Poland Ohio with a lovely orange HT (Wouxun KG-UV9D-Mate) that the hubby gave me on my 40th birthday. (Uh oh!  A lady should never tell her age!)  I also commandeer the XYM’s Yaseu base station whenever I feel like Tim “The Toolman” Taylor and “need more power.”

The Future is Female

Have you heard that phrase?  Well, I kind of thought the past was female too. In ham radio you don’t hear many YL’s or XYL’s.  Certainly there is not a lot of content on the web by ladies, for ladies in this hobby.  So I am here to fill that void.

This blog is here to help ladies want to get on the air.  The future of ham radio doesn’t have to be 100% female but wouldn’t it be nice if there were more of us?

So part of this blog will be about the local Ladies Night Net that I operate once a month, and about any fun ham antics I get up to.

A Non-Ham’s Viewpoint

I might be a licensed operator but my mind does not work like a typical ham.  The electronics and techie side of this is so foreign to my brain I am shocked I could pass the exam.  Honestly, I am not stupid, my brain is just not generally geared towards the tech side of things.  This blog will also help present the ham radio hobby from the viewpoint on my non-ham mind.  This may help new hams explain their hobby to non-hams, and possibly recruit new members into the fold.


If you are here reading this, please be on the alert!  I am a ham, but I am not super techie with most of this. Also while I like writing, I am a terrible proofreader.  So please, all you grammar police out there, I am sorry.  Also, my mother and husband (both sworn grammar officers) do not condone my operation of commas, colons, exclamation points, or keyboards in general.

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