
Ladies Night Net

The Base Station

Are you a YL or XYL looking for net just for you? Look no further! The W8IZC repeater has given us a time slot the 1st Thursday of every month at 8PM on the frequency 146.910. This is an open net for all licensed female amateurs or under 18 licensed operators. I also call it the “henhouse net” because we ladies can get on the air, but generally not for very long. This net is casual, fun, with a check-in and chat format.

To help some of us shy, quiet, mic fright folks, I thought I would come up with a list of ragchew topics to get us talking. Unless we want to be super cliché and debate the best laundry detergents and peanut butter brands. Oh, who am I kidding…I would be totally down for that too!

  • MarchHam Radio is Generational Hobby. What other hobbies do you enjoy that have been passed down to you from older generations?
  • AprilHams love a good Antenna Farm. Do you enjoy any other types of farming; flowers, vegetables, livestock etc.
  • MayMay Day! May Day! Ham radio service is often disaster related. What are your favorite disaster films? What your least favorite disaster films?
  • JuneHave a Field Day! Field day for hams it the biggest event of the year. What activity outside of ham do you enjoy and have a field day with?
  • JulyLet Freedom Ring! Parade season is in full swing, with many hams volunteering for these fun community events. What is your favorite community ham event? What is your favorite event to attend in summer?
  • AugustRide the Waves! We know radiowaves can travel very, very far. What is the farthest DX you have contacted? What about the most far away place you have ever vacationed?
  • SeptemberBack to School. What in ham radio do you want to learn more about. Or any subject you like learning about?
  • OctoberSwap N Shop. Every ham knows the chance to swap and shop on equipment is part of this hobby. But I feel like ladies invented this with recipe swaps. What is your most requested recipe people want you to share?
  • NovemberThanksgiving. Old fashioned ragchew about this family holiday. Favorite dishes, favorite family moments etc.
  • DecemberChristmas. Tis the season to be jolly! Favorite holiday movies, cookies, wish lists of ham equipment for Santa? Ragchew about the most wonderful time of the year.

Repeater Coverage Map

The W8IZC repeater is located on the WHOT tower. And with that great location the coverage area around the repeater is pretty good. This map below shows the expected coverage for the repeater.

50 mile coverage radius for W8IZC repeater
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